Missionary Letter for week of December 22nd 2015


We have been receiving a lot of referrals this week, which is a MIRACLE! We have been praying incessantly for people to teach, and the Lord is POURING out his blessings upon us! One of the Referrals is an amazing woman. She is almost 70 and she is a generational Presbyterian. She did not agree with some of the recent changes in the church, so she left. She has been attending a Baptist church recently. She had a major accident that has left her with a physical disability, and now she does physical therapy 2 or 3 times a week. Turns out her PT is a great member missionary! He has given her a Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and King James Bible. She loves them all and knows that they are true. She studies out of them about 2 hrs a day. When we met with her she said she has already made her decision and is ready for the next step (baptism).

We also have done a lot of caroling this week. We went with the youth on Wednesday, and it was great! There were some grinches, but there were also some people who absolutely loved it! One man came out and tried giving us money. It was pretty silly to see that.

Then on Thursday we got a surprise! We have a third companion for the next 3 weeks. 🙂 Sister Hatch’s companion finished her mission and went home early for school. Sister Hatch is awesome. She has been out for only 4 months, but is a superstar.

We got to go to the Temple to do baptisms for the dead this week with our District, the Vietnamese branch, and 2 recent converts of the Elders. The one Sister is 86 years old, and was just baptized last month. She is an incredible woman that I just adore. We went to be with her on her first temple trip.
It was so neat to listen to the ordinances of Baptism and Confirmation in Vietnamese. The gospel is true in every language! It brought a greater depth and understanding to me of the personal nature of the gospel.

It has really been an amazing week, and we have been extremely blessed. We are working nonstop, super hard every day and I feel like there is still never enough time in the day!

I love you and wish you a very Merry Christmas!

ps. If you have not seen the videos on Christmas.mormon.org yet, go watch them right now! They are amazing. A Savior is Born.

Sister Elliott

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